British Army Find Secret to World Peace, Don't Bother Telling Anyone
Nobel Prize Genius Crick Was High on LSD When He Discovered the Secret of Life?
The abrasive and unorthodox Crick and his brilliant American co-researcher James Watson famously celebrated their eureka moment in March 1953 by running from the now legendary Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge to the nearby Eagle pub, where they announced over pints of bitter that they had discovered the secret of life.Crick, who died ten days ago [2004-07-28], aged 88, later told a fellow scientist that he often used small doses of LSD, then an experimental drug used in psychotherapy, to boost his powers of thought. He said it was LSD, not the Eagle's warm beer, that helped him to unravel the structure of DNA, the discovery that won him the Nobel Prize.
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5 Reasons A Zombie Apocalypse Could Actually Happen

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Take the Faux News Anchor or Porn Star Quiz

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Intelligent Design - Venn Diagram
The Hoverwing Flying Hovercraft

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If Faux News Had Existed Throughout History

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The Incredible Edible Anus

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Lolcats Take Over the World, Rewrite Bible

Here's a couple to get you started:

Pictures From the First French Nuclear Test

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The 5 Creepiest Urban Legends (That Turned Out to be True)
The Funhouse Mummy

The Myth:
A prop at a carnival was discovered not to be made of the usual combination of papier mache and carni spit, but human skin and bone. All the little kiddies at the haunted house had been poking and giggling at a real, mummified dead body.
The Truth:
Apparently the smell wasn’t just coming from the convict manning the corndog stand. Back in 1976, a camera crew filming an episode of The Six Million Dollar Man began to set up in the haunted house at the Nu-Pike Amusement Park in Long Beach, Calif.As they were moving aside a "hanging man" prop, they accidentally knocked off its arm and discovered human bones inside. Bionic, this poor sap wasn’t.
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World Energy and Population
However, it doesn't stop the paper from presenting a lot of interesting data in one place, and making some very scary conclusions. Personally I think the market forces will prove more efficient in solving the energy crisis than anyone ever imagined. Whether we can stop global warming is another story, but there are just too many possibilities for how to get energy for some alternatives to take hold and be successful. I'm personally rooting for fusion and solar to save the day. Ethanol is for suckers.
One of his graphs:

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Rock Balancing

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How China Could Crash The US Dollar on a Whim
China has several economic “weapons” at its disposal for countering the US, ranging from the manipulation of its currency to the diversification of its burgeoning stock of forex reserves. It also has several less blunt options to choose from, such as enabling Chinese companies to compete more directly and effectively with US companies, and opposing the US in securing a domestic energy supply. On all of these fronts, the US is essentially being held hostage, since it has become so dependent on China as the world’s factory. Ultimately, it seems unlikely that China will deliberately butt heads with the US unless it is first provoked, but America should nonetheless be on its guard, since its economy hangs in the balance.
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Check out My Buddy's New Video Sharing Site - Njoy
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Fab at Home 3d Printer
"Hod Lipson didn’t set out to revolutionize manufacturing. He just wanted to design a really cool robot, one that could “evolve” by reprogramming itself and would also produce its own hardware—a software brain, if you will, with the ability to create a body. To do this, Lipson (below, center) needed a rapid-prototyping fabrication, or “fabber.” Picture a 3D inkjet printer that deposits droplets of plastic, layer by layer, gradually building up an object of any shape. Fabbers have been around for two decades, but they’ve always been the pricey playthings of high-tech labs—and could only use a single material."
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One Kilometer of These Could Provide As Much Energy as All The World's Oil in 1 Year!
New Micropower Source- The Windbelt

If you’ve ever put a blade of grass between your thumbs and blown, you’re already aware of the force that drives Shawn Frayne’s ingenious Windbelt. A small amount of air passing over a thin strip of material can create frequencies that translate into sound waves or, in the Windbelt’s case, energy.Frayne’s device consists of a flat, taut membrane that flutters within its housing as air passes through it. At each end of the membrane are magnets that oscillate between metal coils as the band flutters, effectively creating an electric charge. According to the 28-year-old Frayne, prototypes of the Windbelt have generated 40 milliwatts in 10-mph slivers of wind, making his device 10 to 30 times as efficient as the best microturbines.
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Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize, Faux News Goes on Attack
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American Current Account Deficit
Stop The Drug War Draft
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The 360° Around View Mirror For Your Car
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Best New Ron Paul Video
The Brick o' Beer

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The Benjamin Franklin TRUE Patriot Act
The Benjamin Franklin True Patriot Act (H.R. 3171) is a bill introduced in the United States House of Representatives intended to review the previously passed USA PATRIOT Act. The bill was referred to subcommittees where it languished without action taken before the end of the 108th United States Congress. The bill will have to be reintroduced in order to be considered again.The bill was sponsored by Representatives Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) and Ron Paul (R-Texas), with 27 co-sponsors, all Democrats (except Ron Paul). The intent was to review the USA PATRIOT Act to make sure it does not "inappropriately undermine civil liberties." Its name, as described in Sec. 2, No. 1, refers to Benjamin Franklin's famous quote, "Those who would give up Essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
Check Out All the Evil Loopholes From The Patriot Act it Would Do Away With Here
Top Ten Gadgets Every Designer SHOULD Live Without

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US Home Forclosures Nearly Double
Foreclosure filings across the U.S. nearly doubled last month compared with September 2006, as financially strapped homeowners already behind on mortgage payments defaulted on their loans or came closer to losing their homes to foreclosure, a real estate information company said Thursday. A total of 223,538 foreclosure filings were reported in September, up from 112,210 in the same month a year ago, according to Irvine-based RealtyTrac Inc.
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Use of N Word May End Porn Star's Career
Pictorial of American Hobo Life

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The Rise of a Post Christian America
I have said that there has been a marked shift in American attitudes toward religion that has come about in the last four to eight years. The Christian Right has so tied themselves to Bush’s apron strings that when the apron got tarnished so did they. But then the Bush years wouldn’t have been possible without them. They aren’t exactly innocent victims of the Bush magic. They were willing accomplices.
16- to 29-year-olds exhibit a greater degree of criticism toward Christianity than did previous generations when they were at the same stage of life. In fact, in just a decade, many of the Barna measures of the Christian image have shifted substantially downward, fueled in part by a growing sense of disengagement and disillusionment among young people. For instance, a decade ago the vast majority of Americans outside the Christian faith, including young people, felt favorably toward Christianity’s role in society. Currently, however, just 16% of non-Christians in their late teens and twenties said they have a "good impression" of Christianity.
Among young non-believers, 87% said they found Christianity judgmental while 85% said it was hypocritical and 75% said it was too political. Of course this was among non-believers. The bad news for the gospel is that young Christians were almost as negative about their own faith.
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The Secrets of Intangible Wealth
A Mexican migrant to the U.S. is five times more productive than one who stays home. Why is that?The answer is not the obvious one: This country has more machinery or tools or natural resources. Instead, according to some remarkable but largely ignored research—by the World Bank, of all places—it is because the average American has access to over $418,000 in intangible wealth, while the stay-at-home Mexican's intangible wealth is just $34,000. Intangible wealth are things like the trust among people in a society, an efficient judicial system, clear property rights and effective government. All this intangible capital also boosts the productivity of labor and results in higher total wealth. In fact, the World Bank finds, "Human capital and the value of institutions (as measured by rule of law) constitute the largest share of wealth in virtually all countries."
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Ronaldinho's Magic Soccer Feet
Crazy Fat ChristoNutjob
Kucinich is Cool Too
So I'm going to promote Kucinich a little here too. If Ron Paul didn't exist I'd be voting for this guy. He and Mike Gravel are the only Democrats planning to get us out of Iraq within the next 5 years, and who voted against funding the war. Obama and Hillary may talk the talk, but they don't walk the walk. They fund the war at every opportunity, and have denied that they would pull out of Iraq within 5 years.
Watch a good video of Kucinich with an intelligent interviewer. It's amazing to see him talk for 20 minutes instead of the usual 2 seconds he gets in debates. This is one guy with his head screwed on straight.
Forget Obama Girl, Ron Paul Girl is WAY Hotter and Smarter
Cutoff Dates for Primary Voting
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Human LCD - Amazing
Wow. I want to know what sort of system they use to coordinate all these different moves so perfectly. Looks stressful.
Cassette Tape Transformer
Never Get Busted Again- Cop Tells Where to Stash Your Weed
Trash Art

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A Political Party of the People, For the People
I know, it's a crazy thought to think an actual third party could form and thrive in this country - someone out there actually able to defeat the duopoly we currently have in place, but close your eyes and dream with me for just a short while at the creation of something this country desperately needs now more than ever: a labor party. Besides, if a Third actually does good enough in a national election to take electoral votes, it's almost inevitable that one of the members of the duopoly will take up the cause just to further their party's gains. It's happened before, and with the right kind of message it can happen again. The idea is already out there, waiting to be fully acted upon and realized. The idea, the platform is almost 120 years old, and it still resonates as much in today's United States as it did back then.
We want more schoolhouses and less jails; more books and less arsenals; more learning and less vice; more leisure and less greed; more justice and less revenge; in fact, more of the opportunities to cultivate our better natures...
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The Money Political Party

The Money Party is a small group of enterprises and individuals who have most of the money in this country. They use that money to make more money. Controlling who gets elected to public office is the key to more money for them and less for us. As 2008 approaches, The Money Party is working hard to maintain its perfect record.It is not about Republicans versus Democrats. Right now, the Republicans do a better job taking money than the Democrats. But The Money Party is an equal opportunity employer. They have no permanent friends or enemies, just permanent interests. Democrats are as welcome as Republicans to this party. It’s all good when you’re on the take and the take is legal.This is not a conspiracy theory. There are no secret societies or sinister operators. This party is up front and in your face. Just follow the money.
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How to Save 50% on European Car Rentals With One Magic Word
It will save you 50% and includes amazing perks such as: * Comprehensive insurance with no deductible * You get a brand new car, fresh from the factory * You get the exact car model you ordered * Customize the car with options such as GPS, CD Changer, Child Car Seats, Luggage and Surf Racks * Unlimited mileage * Minimum age: 18 (unlike 23 for most car rentals) * Pay no tax * You can travel in 28 countries * 24 X 7 road-side assistance * No extra driver charges * Fast and easy pickup/drop-off * Pickup in one city, drop-off in another one
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Paul Smashes All Expectations, Raises $5 Million in Third Quarter
Texas Congressman Ron Paul, an anti-war libertarian making his second run at the White House, will report having raised $5.08 million in the third quarter. The number, which rivals those of John McCain and Bill Richardson, was boosted thanks to last-minute online fundraising that brought in more than $1.2 million in the last week of the quarter alone.This is the second quarter in a row Paul has shown fundraising strength. Last quarter he reported having more cash on hand than McCain, a sidebar that contributed to stories of McCain's collapse.
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Many States Changing Deadline to Register as Republican to Shut Out Ron Paul
Many states, in an effort to shut out Ron Paul are now closing their primaries. That means that only Republicans can vote in the Presidential primaries for a Republican candidate. Many states are doing this quickly and quietly and giving people very little time to learn about the new rules. For example, New Hampshire decided only a week ago that you will now have to change your party affiliation by October 12, 2007 or it will be too late to do so. New Hampshire also has a closed primary and only Republicans and possibly Independents will be allowed to vote for Ron Paul. In New York, you must be registered as a Republican or you cannot vote for Ron Paul and again, you must make this decision by October 12, 2007 or it will be too late. In New York, however, Independents cannot vote for Ron Paul. Same with New Jersey and many states around the nation.
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Real Money Says Ron Paul Has a Shot
I am here to inform Ron Paul fans that "the market" – the gambling website – says his chances of winning the GOP nomination are now 6.1%. In contrast, McCain’s chances are 5.4%, and Huckabee’s a meager 3.2%.Beyond the fact that Ron Paul is now in 4th place – and being ahead of McCain, is now surely a "real" candidate – is his meteoric rise since late May. Just look at this chart from Intrade:

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