A Good Way to Dodge Spam
18/10/05 22:53 Filed in: Science /
Try mailinator. I’ve been doing something
similar to this for years, by having one email
address just for when I’m ordering porn service or
penis enlargers, one for when I order things, and
my personal address only to give to friends in
person. If you’re not doing something similar,
this is a great service where you just choose any
email address at (like when you are filling
something out or ordering penis enlargers. It
receives just one email for you which you can go
retrieve, and then deactivates the account. This
ensures that those penis enlargement bastards can
never spam you again.
American Do Not Call List
18/08/05 13:19 Filed in: Generally
I’d imagine a lot of people don’t know about this,
but there’s now national legislation in the US
requiring that if you are a member of a special
national list, telemarketers cannot contact you. I
think this is cool if you don’t like being harassed
(and who does), so being privy to this “insider”
information (since we make the infernal dialers that
make this possible), I thought I’d do my due
diligence and pass this information on to everyone I
To stop telemarketing calls go to the official national do not call list and add your number to the list. If you do get a telemarketing call after this, you can threaten them with legal action, now that’s fun!
To stop telemarketing calls go to the official national do not call list and add your number to the list. If you do get a telemarketing call after this, you can threaten them with legal action, now that’s fun!