Who's War?
Let us conclude. The Israeli people are America’s friends and have a right to peace and secure borders. We should help them secure these rights. As a nation, we have made a moral commitment, endorsed by half a dozen presidents, which Americans wish to honor, not to permit these people who have suffered much to see their country overrun and destroyed. And we must honor this commitment.But U.S. and Israeli interests are not identical. They often collide, and when they do, U.S. interests must prevail. Moreover, we do not view the Sharon regime as “America’s best friend.”Since the time of Ben Gurion, the behavior of the Israeli regime has been Jekyll and Hyde. In the 1950s, its intelligence service, the Mossad, had agents in Egypt blow up U.S. installations to make it appear the work of Cairo, to destroy U.S. relations with the new Nasser government. During the Six Day War, Israel ordered repeated attacks on the undefended USS Liberty that killed 34 American sailors and wounded 171 and included the machine-gunning of life rafts. This massacre was neither investigated nor punished by the U.S. government in an act of national cravenness.
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CIA Torture Jet Crashed With 4 Tons of Cocaine
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The Most Depressing Thing I've Ever Seen
Stop The Drug War Draft
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Greenspan: Ouster Of Hussein Crucial For Oil Security
Greenspan's reference in "The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World" to what he calls the "politically inconvenient" fact that the war was "largely about oil" was first reported by The Washington Post on Saturday and has proved controversial.
His main support for Hussein's ouster, though, was economically motivated. "If Saddam Hussein had been head of Iraq and there was no oil under those sands," Greenspan said, "our response to him would not have been as strong as it was in the first gulf war. And the second gulf war is an extension of the first. My view is that Saddam, looking over his 30-year history, very clearly was giving evidence of moving towards controlling the Straits of Hormuz, where there are 17, 18, 19 million barrels a day" passing through.
Greenspan said disruption of even 3 to 4 million barrels a day could translate into oil prices as high as $120 a barrel -- far above even the recent highs of $80 set last week -- and the loss of anything more would mean "chaos" to the global economy.
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What if Someone Did to the US What They Did to Iraq?
Colin Powell Warns of Terror Industrial Complex
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The Shock Doctrine
We Have 4 Days to Stop the Chickenhawks From Starting War in Iran
We have four days to head off a war with Iran. That's four days to compile, distill, and disseminate information that will undercut corporate media collusion with a desperate Bush administration to open a third front in Bush's wars. We are at a disadvantage, since we are up against professionals with multi-million-dollar budgets. We have an advantage in that their message is predictable and aimed at idiots and cowards.
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What Could We Buy for the Price of the War?

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It is absurd. You are safe. I am safe. This nation is safe. Quit being such a damned pussy. All of you.
Americans Don't Buy the Official Story about 9/11
I honestly can't even say I'm in that 1/3, but I'm probably in the 2/3 who think it's likely. The government needs to respond to all the evidence, as the conspiracy theorists are proposing something far more plausible than the official report, which sounds completely unbelievable.
The latest MSNBC Poll shows more than 87% of respondants think bush should be impeached for the secret spying, the deceptions leading to war, and more.
If you feel that way, then you should participate in DIY impeachment, a movement which is utilizing a very old precedent by which has been succesfull a long time ago in impeaching a judge. The idea being to get enough people to submit the article for it to not be taken seriously.
Personally I feel he should be impeached just for groping the German chancellor.
Also if anyone is so lucky to have America, from Freedom to Fascism in their theaters, I highly recommend you go see it. Aaron Russo is one of the only people who knows how things work in the world who actually cares enough to try to help people. Makes Michael Moore look like a hack (well he sorta is, but he's good at delivery).
Why We Fight
No conspiracy theories or anything too radical, just a straightforward description of the US war machine and why it must be constantly fed. Really just common sense stuff, but it explains the end to end process very well, and you don’t have access to stuff this good in the US in general, so maybe it might surprise someone.. Check it out. If you have a laptop you can hook up to your tv, you can download the whole thing and watch it there in fullscreen.

Despotic Regimes and the Nutty Things They Do
But the most serious, and most important one for any patriotic american to watch would have to be a compendium of all the evidence that contradicts the existing investigations on 9/11. Scary to think our administration may have been involved, but sadly I don't think it's entirely outside of the realm of possibilities the way the US government acts these days. Human lives are secondary to their self serving agendas.